In today’s rapidly changing and highly competitive electrical energy market, utilities must strive to enhance the prudent use of strained financial resources. Previous standard operating procedures may no longer be appropriate.
Responsible maintenance decisions and recommendations must include a financial aspect. Generatortech Inc., which specializes in on-line shorted turn detection for generator rotors can help optimize your maintenance expenditures.
The Generatortech Flux Probe and Analysis Software can help utilities make informed decisions and save valuable maintenance dollars. Knowing the shorted turn status of your rotor(s), can save money by:
• Allowing the delay of a scheduled rewind based on satisfactory winding conditions.
• Avoiding expensive balancing procedures when shorted turns are the cause of an unbalanced condition.
• Obtaining warranty and/or pricing adjustments when new or rewound rotors are found to have shorted turns on initial service.
Utilities throughout the world are recognizing the acute benefits of on-line shorted turn detection in their battle to stay competitive.
Generatortech is committed to helping you control costs. We provide high quality products and services to maximize the value of your maintenance funds. Generatortech provides the information you need to decide when and if your generator rotor needs repair.
Our varied support and equipment options can be tailored to accommodate your needs.